Tuesday, August 19, 2014

An attempt to udate

A lot has happened. I don't really know how to update.  I am still living with Nick who is now my amazing boyfriend. I had some friends who weren't so great for me. I had another suicide attempt which almost succeeded. I have been approved for disability which is great since we are always beyond broke with only Nick's disability. We are waiting to get the payments. Nick is my payee because they wouldn't let me be my own payee due to all of my hospitalizations. I have to get my doctor to sign off on me being my own payee before they will let me. I'm extremely happy living with Nick, Dora lives with us too. More later.

1 comment:

  1. You are very brave for documenting your struggles with suicide and depression, and I really admire that. I have a similar story. My last suicide attempt was 3 months ago. After a few hours of research and some deep thinking, I believe I might be BPD. Any tips on how I tell my psychiatrist about this? She knows about the depression and anxiety but not much else. If you have the time, please email me. lacerazor at Hotmail dot com
