Resources on BPD

We're still looking for more resources, and I'm still working on the full bibliographies of the sources here. 


Wikipedia, of course


Loving someone with Borderline Personality Disorder- (this one has been really helpful already)- This one is just really good and highly recommended by a lot.

I hate you, don't leave me


Lost in the Mirror- A look on Borderline Personality Disorder- 

(Didn't we get another book? I fear I may have lost it. )

Personal and Therapy

Seriously, just google this, free therapy services can be a good start for local results, and research local doctors. 

Warning on some BPD resources:

One of the most popular BPD books (I'm pretty sure it was a bestseller) is Randi Kreger's Stop Walking On Eggshells. The author has no credentials in counseling, therapy... really, anything that would actually give her an education in BPD except for having a family member with BPD (her mother, I think) who didn't want to go through treatment. Though it describes some of the symptoms fairly well, it assumes sufferers do not want to treat their disorder, offers no suggestions for loved ones to help in treating the disorder, and the fact that this lady runs two of the biggest BPD-based websites is spreading a buttload of false info around. There are actual studies to back up that BPD can be treated, and to say otherwise is a crock of shit. Check out "Loving Someone with BPD" up there if you have a friend or family member who's seeking help, because BPD can totally be managed with the right help and support.

As for things to avoid, keep away from Stop Walking on Eggshells (which has a ridiculously condescending title anyways), and, they may be comforting if you've dealt for a long time with someone is not at a place to treat their BPD and has some of the more destructive symptoms, but if your loved one is screaming for help GET THEM HELP INSTEAD FOR GOD'S SAKE. And probably don't listen to the wildly unqualified lady.  

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