Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Blood art, Art Blood

It is so difficult to wax on and on about my exceedingly boring life.  What tantalizing bit of information can I impart to my readers?  Well I recently  had a nightmare in which I had a uni brow.  I was fairly traumatized as I desperately tried to pluck it away.  I also have frequent dreams about having a razor and shaving with it.  Apparently  the inevitable  hairiness that come with being suicidal is really  bothering me.

Trevor and I made pizza today, and surprisingly it turned out in spite of it being our first attempt, and without the proper ingredients. I haven't been able to paint recently.  It's driving me crazy.  I really  don't want to live when I can't paint but every time I pick up a brush it turns into a scythe bringing death to any expression of the paint.

Without art I am lost, I don't even think I remotely like anything about  myself besides the art.

On a happier note, saw Mumford and Sons in concert!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  They were truly amazing!!!!!!!!!!

New meds have been making me sick and groggy so my days have been unproductive.  We also ran out of coffee.... it's been a nightmare.  I just really, really hope that I can paint again upon the morrow.  Something please smile upon me and grant me this much, for without it I fear the worst.  When a paintbrush fails me, all that I want is a  blade.  If I can't paint a pretty picture, maybe I can cut one.

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