Thursday, August 29, 2013

Unnecessary Mess

If only I hadn't been born,
Scalpel slicing through the protective membranes, 
Dismembering with a practiced ease. 
Or maybe I could step off a curb without looking. 
Car horns blaring out in the still afternoon, as my body hits the ground with a sickening thud.
Possibly I could have an accident in the rain,
Water pouring down around my spinning car, as I grip the wheel and pray.
Or maybe I should lie on a railroad track. 
Lie perfectly still, listen to the music in your head

Cut your wrist, hold the blade close, don't breathe just slice
The more force behind it the better
Think of all the things you are escaping
Think of all the things people have said,
Try drinking some Vodka, it will help with the pain
Look on the hole you are making in your flesh,
Make it bigger.

End result, 6 feet under. 
Ashes to ashes dust to dust.
Communing with the worms
Rotting away
Let me die.
I'm not asking you to shoot me (unless you are offering).
Just don't stop me
Help me get over my fear

I need to die.
I'm not good. 
My faults are many, I do not make up for the bad,
I have not made any significant contributions to the world.
All I do is spread death, pain, and destruction. 
I use up air, I take up space.
Bury me in the dark, don't let me take up the light.
Push me under the ground,
Hold me down until I stop struggling.

If only I hadn't been born, 
It wouldn't all be so messy

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