Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Anna Likes to Remind Me that I Promised to be Honest

Even about my music tastes.... including the ones that don't go with my "deep image"
Let's just say that I like a lot of music, and I'm pretty sure that if you played a song to me enough I'd wind up loving it.  Please don't try conditioning me *ahem* Sarah.

Try not to judge me too much :)

I'm twenty two now.   I spent about a month freaking out about this.  No, you don't understand, 22 is so old! I mean I never meant to live this long, and when you are 21 it's okay to not have things together at all, what's my excuse now?  But see, being older just reminds me that I'm human, and tied to this world, plus I was a failed suicide, that's just sad"

All in all the day wasn't bad, a little stressful getting things together, but super fun. All of my wonderful friends bent over backwards to make my every whim come true.  People even wore costumes to a restaurant with me.  They indulged me in hand dipping chocolate orgasms, painting pictures, and arranging a perfect cheese tray.  I even got flowers, and hand whipped cream (to go with the scones Mel baked for me.)  Emily did my nails, Sarah let me choose her clothing, Allison made me CDs, Nathaniel helped with loads of last minute baking.  Melvor, cooked, ran errands, and cleaned.  Anna made me a cat (picture), And a lot of people wished me a happy bday.

My friends rock.

I love you all so much, and not just for making my birthday awesome.  I can honestly say that I wouldn't be here without the whole lot of you (including many who are not mentioned by name.)  Only see I have a notoriously bad memory so I'd be sure to miss someone... better to not mention you en mass. :)

Oh that reminds me, back in high school we played hide and go seek in Emily's yard in the dark.  We had a decent sized group which meant that every time we would conclude game then start another only to realize that we were still missing someone from the previous game. maybe friendship means not holding a grudge when you are forgotten and left to squat in bushes.

1 comment:

  1. Kumari, it's not so bad getting older. You're just getting a year wiser. And a little sexier. ;) Keep this in mind: some guys like more mature women. lol I hope this finds you well and that you had a great birthday. :)
