Thursday, June 6, 2013

Therapy Quest! What is this?

The main aspect of Kumari's BPD treatment is going to therapy, specifically DBT therapy (dialectical behavioral therapy). As one of the regular features of this blog, after her sessions (since she gets so exhausted and forgetful after her sessions because it is a fairly taxing emotional experience. (Otherwise it wouldn't be effective, of course, but still.) So with her permission and editing I'll write down as much of her sessions as I can remember so throughout the week she can work on the things her therapist asks her to. 

And I'm calling it Therapy Quest cause it sounds awesome. 

Hopefully some of the transcriptions should help those who are following her condition get a better understanding of what the problems are, so those who are close don't inadvertently do things to make her symptoms worse. Also it should give a bit more of perspective on her process of healing, which she's already made some small steps in the direction of. BPD actually is treatable, and pretty much curable in the vast majority of patients, but it will be a long haul. It may be nice for her down the road to see the progress she's made. 

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