I am really terrible at this posting thing. In my feeble defense I've been feeling sicker then usual recently and have spent most of my time slumped over crafting because the manic in me won't let me just lie down and rest.
Art hasn't been happening at all, which is a fact that has been KILLING me. I have several unfinished paintings and just haven't been able to do art. So instead I've been trying different projects, I knitted a few cat scarves... I'm not a crazy cat lady, I promise, I'm just too lazy to knit a human sized scarf. I have recently tried my hand at embroidery, started a quilt, started sewing a dress with Mel, made some sashes, and started to make some jewelry. Tonight I made 3 necklaces and 7 rings. Mania's a bitch.
I know it sounds super useful, and maybe kind of fun to have a natural high, but honestly it's exhausting. My brain has trouble slowing down enough to rest or sleep unless my body is so worn out I just crash. It's a terrible feeling to be really tired, and super nauseous but still feel obligated to do something. Also people tend to find it really annoying.
I guess my lithium is supposed to be helping, the doctor at the hospital tripled my dose, but I'm a little unsure because the Prozac he put me on seemed to make my mania much worse. Bright side I'm on a new sleep med half the time so I'm sleeping a little bit better.
So enough complaining, this has to be dull. :) I went to an art fair with my friend Allison today, and that was pretty fun. We had our pictures taken at a photo booth and walked around looking at all of the arts and crafts. A lot of them featured severed doll parts for some reason.... super creepy. Especially when you have a necklace with part of a baby doll's face on it..... I find it disturbing.
I guess posting makes me feel better :) I should really talk to you guys more often. (that is if anyone is reading this). I guess I can just be that crazy person talking to herself. I do crazy so well. :)
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