I'm sure the people who hear conversations between Kumari
and me can attest to the utter oddity. I
personally think of it as friend language. When you've been friends with
someone for a long time, a simple nonsense phrase can hold more meaning than a
lengthy, multi-paragraph response. Also, whether it’s an acquired taste or
we’re both just really weird people, we find the same things to be quite funny
and –at times- come up with the same strange jokes.
For instance Kumari texted me about how she
absentmindedly washed her hands with toothpaste. My response was “At least
they’re minty fresh now, right?” This
was apparently what she had been telling everyone and I had just unwittingly
stolen her punch line. I like to refer to this as mind melding. Sometimes we’re really not on the same page
at all. But other times we are remarkably good communicators without even
speaking coherent sentences (especially on my end. I’m a much better writer
than verbal communicator a good deal of the time.) Anyway, I digress.
Here are some conversation snippets with select commentary from me in brackets.
K: Why are you such a
problem solver?
A: Ummm… [My verbal skills are not the best. This is actually a frequent answer to Kumari questions.]
K: Was it in your parenting?
Your personality? Or is it just your dudely side coming out? [The more insults, the better.]
K: But Anna! I don't want solutions, I want problems. [This is a frequent answer given to me when I try to give solutions to problems when Kumari just wants to vent. I really am the male communicator in this friendship.]
[and cue a series of Kumari-humored statements.]
K: it'll be like a judging circle... only it will be a line.
K: it'll be like a judging circle... only it will be a line.
K: Hey... promise me you'll listen to the whooooole waterfall track?
A: Umm.. sure? Any particular reason?
K: It's 8 HOURS LONG! *cue peals of maniacal laughter of delight*
K: Anna! I hate arguing with people who are good at math! No matter what, I don't come out well.
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