Wednesday, June 26, 2013

grass eating and star gazing | things that did actually happen

This is an inaccurate depiction of actual life events. Not really sure how things really went down as I was on the phone, not physically present. But I know there was grass involved. And laying down in it. And eating it. Well, not eating it. Just chewing on it. Cowboy style I think?

Also, I can't resist puns. Kumari rolls her eyes at me over the phone over them. That takes talent, I tell you (eye rolling over the phone, not lame puns). 

PS. I drew myself... as a phone. Just kidding, I drew a phone with my voice saying things. So technically I am in this drawing too.

PPS. I'm sorry for the afro-esque hair and funny stick figures. I promise I don't actually think of you both this way. :)

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